Love Takes a Swim Part 48 by Dellani Oakes

Dellani Oakes

Love Takes a Swim cover smallKai brings lunch to Paisely and they talk about why she’s so upset.

Eventually, she opened the paper on the sub and took a bite. Chewing slowly, she swallowed with difficulty, blinking away her tears. She finally finished her sandwich, quite a while after Kai finished his. He also polished off half a bag of chips and most of the lemonade.

“Take the med, babe,” he said softly. “I know it hurts.”

Kai gathered the dirty dishes and towels. Cleaning up gave him a chance to focus a little. He still wasn’t entirely sure what he’d done that upset her so much, but it was something they both needed to work on. He wasn’t perfect—what man was? But she had to quit comparing his actions and motives to Ralph. He wasn’t sure how to get that point across, and it worried him. He didn’t want their relationship to dissolve, because…

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